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Specialty Contracting encompasses those projects that do not fit in the normal contracting category. Sagebrush has the knowledge and experience to handle small fire caulking repairs, landscaping, injection grouting, helical piers, basin pumping, and drywell services to large-scale specialty projects. 


The key to a successful specialty project is knowledge, planning, experience and execution. Our Project Managers and Construction Team will spend hours planning and scheduling for a precise execution and delivery of a completed project.   


Our involvement in several National Organizations allows Sagebrush to remain on the cutting edge of construction technology and technique. 



“Complexity is our Specialty”

330 S River Drive

Tempe, Arizona 85281

602-689-4907 office

602-296-5921 fax

AZ ROC 274599 KB1

NV 0081620 A13 & A23

NV 0081743 B2 & B6

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